Marketing Team

Marketing Team

Some of the marketing team hanging in Austin


Recently shipped

PostHog becomes a DigitalOcean Hatch partner

We've teamed up with DigitalOcean and joined their Hatch program for startups, meaning that eligible teams in the PostHog for Startups program can now claim an additional $25,000 of DigitalOcean infra credit in addition to the usual benefits.

As a reminder, those usual benefits include $50,000 of PostHog credit, some amazing gifts from our merch store, and an exclusive monthly newsletter with advice for founders.

Teams need to be less than two years old and have raised less than $5M in funding to qualify, but if that's you then you can sign up today!


Increase the number of people signing up for PostHog's products beyond Product Analytics.

Rationale In Q4 2023, we tried a few new things and started measuring impact more seriously. We have a lot more confidence in what works well (and have covered a lot of bases with existing products), so we should use this to make products beyond analytics successful.


  • Complete our ‘Alternatives to X’ SEO content coverage for feature flags, experimentation, and session replay (Andy)
  • Make sure we have good ‘getting started’ content (Joe)
  • Write tutorials for all our key frameworks and products (Lior)
  • Increase newsletter subs from 6k to 10k (Andy)
  • Repeat our success with Theo on TikTok with new influencers (Ian)
  • Rework all our paid ads copy now we’ve cut back to just Google Search (Charles)
  • Get 50% of the W24 batch to sign up (Joe)
  • Make sure we keep measuring impact regularly for all of our content (Everyone)
  • Book all the billboards and/or other out-of-home spots we want for a January 2025 campaign (Lottie)


  • Building a community (Website & Docs are working on this)
  • Getting good at social media (maintaining steady state for now)
  • Leading events (but we'll help CS a bit)

Output metrics we care about

  • New org signups
  • Newsletter signups


Slack channel



Budget is here (internally viewable only)